Cameron Leigh

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What did you expect me to say???

Hello All,

I think February just isn't my month. The little Gremlins must be out and doing their best job of pissing me off. I will be so happy next week when this month is over. OK, what I am about to tell you is going to shock some of you, but for those of you who know me it will come as no surprise. Also, I know the majority of men out there who read my blog are going to ask me why was I being so nasty. How can I explain this?... women in general are just petty people. We don't like to see other women happy; if another woman tells you differently she is lying through her teeth.

Alright so here is what happened: I know this girl and I will be honest I hate her to death. We have a love/hate relationship...more hate than love. The reason why we don't like each other is simple I used to date her husband and we have remained friends since she and he got married. Are you with me so far??? She and I play this game with each other to try to make the other feel bad about their life. When she got married to my friend she invited me to the wedding. I brought a sexy Latino male dancer as my date and I did this because I wanted all the guests and bridesmaids to pay attention to me and not her. Example #2: when she had her first child, she invited me to the baby shower. At the baby shower she went into this monologue about how her life seems so complete now and she can't wait to be a mommy. What bullshit! I asked her if she worries about getting her body into shape quickly before her husband trades her in for a younger model; for her gift I bought her a breast pump. Example #3: When she had her second child, I was invited to the baby shower..again. I showed up looking fabulous! and saying that I can't stay long because I was out all night and I need to get some sleep. She said that I must be lonely and how sad my life is because I go out night after night searching for love that I am just not going to find in a nightclub. I shot back with;"funny, I thought your first child was conceived in the back alley of a nightclub...that's right your first child was conceived in the backseat in the parking lot of the nightclub." Now you would think that we would stop talking to each other after I practically called her a slut in front of her child.

This little game that she and I have been playing has been going on now for the past four years; but I think I finally won. I saw her today when I was dropping off my dry cleaning. I tried my best to hurry up and get in my car but it was to late she saw me. She came strolling over in her phony Southern accent, "Hi Cameron". She then begins to tell me that she and her husband are throwing a dinner party and of course I am invited. She then decides to tell me how her and her husband had this incredible night of love making and he was to tired to get up this morning. I just smiled and said: "Wow, I remember when we would do it, your husband and I, 7,8,9 times a day. Wait, I am forgetting about the time we went to Cozumel. I don't think we left the hotel room. God, those were some good times..he was like the energizer bunny; he just kept going and going and going. It is a shame what happens to a man once they get married. I guess you can get tired of having to much sex...that is a damn shame because he was really good in bed." I told her it was great seeing her again, and I can't wait to have dinner with her and especially her husband, maybe I can put the saddle back on the horse.

Hug & Kisses,

Monday, February 19, 2007

Batteries Not Included

Hello All,

Happy President's For those of you had to go to work today I am sympathizing with you. I hope every ones weekend was satisfactory. I am finally over this awful cold..thank God. I have to admit that I am not a pleasant person when I am sick. I think my friends overdosed me on NyQuil on purpose. This week I am off to beautiful Orlando. I am seriously considering moving there after I retire. We will have to see.. I have narrowed it down to four places to live after I retire: 1) Miami, Fl 2) Charlotte, NC 3) Orlando, FL and 4) Washington D.C. At this point in my life I am ready for a serious change.

Ok, I can not believe that I forgot to share this with you last week. You see what happens when you start getting older. This is a funny story, because yours truly really put her foot in her mouth. So without hesitation let me tell you what happened: As you know I am volunteering my off time to work with Habitat for Humanity. I really love what the organization is about and just seeing the smiles on the faces of strangers is something that can not be measured. With that being said, one of the major sponsors for HFH (Habitat for Humanity) is Home Depot. I had to go there and take training classes on how to build things, paint, measure and so forth. Well my instructor was a serious cutie. And I found myself needing a lot of help in sawing, and screwing in a light fixture. What can I say there is no shame in my game. Anyway, I found myself making miscellaneous trips to the Home Depot and running into him while I am there. I never worked up the courage to ask him out and he didn't take the hint and ask me out either ( the story of my life!). After training classes were over I went back to the Home Depot and this time I had a legitimate reason....I needed some batteries. Once again I ran into my cutie, we talked for a little while and I told him how much I loved working on the house and that I was really looking forward to doing another project. At that moment, I dropped the package of batteries on the floor. I know no big deal right; you forget that it is me that we are talking about. I bent down to pick up the batteries and I saw my cutie with this look on his face. It wasn't the look of " wow, she has a nice ass", but rather "that's a lot of batteries." Instead of just leaving it alone; I went into this long explanation of why I need so many batteries. It was awful, it was like watching an accident happen. He just stood there with this look on his face as if to say " sure it is for the remote control." Oh it gets worse,I asked him if he would like to come to my house and see all the remote controls I have. He just smiled and said no thank you. I know what he was thinking those batteries are for a remote control but not to a T.V. I think all those bad dates that I have had is my fault. Now I am going to have to start shopping at Loews.

Hugs & Kisses,

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Good Morning All,

Sorry I haven't been in touch, but I returned from Ohio with a cold. I am feeling better and your get well wishes mean a lot to me. So today is Valentines Day, I am sure the majority of you have big plans. As for me, I will be home.

I was able to give a gift this past weekend that can't be measured in cards and candy. I worked with Habitat for Humanity this past weekend and the final toll was we built twelve homes in twelve days, they had over 250 people working these past two weeks. I can't speak for anyone else but for me that was the most gratifying work I have ever done in my life. The home that I worked on went to a single mother with five kids; before, Habitat for Humanity, she used to live in public housing with two bedrooms and she shared her bed with her two smaller children. I am not going to get into the politics of race, education and poverty. This is not the forum for such a discussion. I will say this; when we presented this mother with the keys to her new home she broke down and cried. Her kids ran all through the house shouting and laughing and saying this is a dream come true. It was to precious to hear a five year old say "this is a dream come true."

I didn't do much of the heavy stuff, because I am way to clumsy to handle a hammer or power tool but I did do a lot of painting. I hope this lady and her family have many wonderful Valentines Day memories. I know this is something that I will not be able to forget as long as I live. When I feel better I will upload my pictures of me painting or should I say covered in paint.

Happy Valentines Day,

Monday, February 05, 2007

I am mad at myself

Hello All,

How was your weekend? Did you watch the Super Bowl? I did and I am very happy for Tony Dungy and the Colts. I am getting a little depressed ,however, because football season is now over and I don't have anything to do on Sundays.

Ok, a lot of you have emailed me and asked me what happened last week to put me in such a bad mood. While I am no longer in a pissy mood, I will say that I am more disappointed with myself than anything else. I let someone get the better of me last week and I lost my temper. Needless to say, I was out for blood and was not going to stop until I got it. I had to take a deep breath and step back from the situation. And it has led me to this conclusion:

I have noticed a change in the past couple of years in this business of the type of caliber of men who pursue this hobby. I am of the mindset that nobody is holding a gun to your head to see a provider. The reasons you chose to see a lady is nobodies business but your own and the reason a lady chooses not to see a gentleman is her own. With that being said, I think the name calling has to come to an end. Do you honestly think that she is going to see you once you have called her a: whore, prostitute, slut, or my personal favorite cunt?? I am willing to bet that she would rather starve than to give you the satisfaction of being in her presence. Look guys move on, there are plenty of fish in the sea. What set me off last week was that someone made a very rude comment to me. Now he didn't say it to my face, because I would be in jail right now, but he said it in an email. And let me take it a step further if I was such a "burnt out cunt" as he claimed. I would have made the appointment, called some of my guy friends to have them waiting in the hotel room, and then proceeded to kick the shit out of this guy because that is what cunts do for those of you who need clarity on the subject.

I am not a whore, prostitute, slut and I am certainly not a cunt. I am a business woman and any guy would gladly trade places with me any day of the week if they new how much money they could make. Working when they want to work, seeing who they want to see, traveling to fabulous places while having someone else pay for it. I seriously doubt you would take the time to hand in your two weeks notice. The next time you feel you want to make a derogatory comment just ponder this thought: she is not the one paying you to spend with her.

Hugs & Kisses,