Pick-up artist and his wing man
Hello All,
I hope all is well. I am in the Nations Capitol enjoying the beautiful weather. I love DC, I really can see myself living here. I had a very funny weekend, not as funny as the previous weekend but funny ha-ha nonetheless. I went to my local sports bar this past weekend to watch the Georgetown v. UNC game. Now, I never have a problem when I go there because they pretty much know me there, until this past weekend. I am sitting at the bar minding my own business watching UNC piss away a very good lead, so I am understandably upset I am in no mood to be trifled with. These two guys come into the bar and sit down right beside; actually they sit on either side of me. The ask me minor questions and I respond politely. The gentleman to my right keeps talking to me during the game and I am clearly not answering him because Georgetown is about to take the lead. Then his friend on the left of me says in this condescending tone "I've never seen you in here before." Ahhhhhhh, that is the word I use when I am annoyed. I look at the friend who is clearly the "pick-up artist" and the other guy must be the "wing man". I realized that I was not going to be able to watch the game in peace and quiet so I would have to be quick on my feet to see the last half. So, the bs conversation continues and I am finding myself getting more annoyed with every stupid question. On the day that I am not looking my best would be the day I get hit on....go figure. Finally, the pick-up artist ask me what I do for a living. Now you all know how I feel about that question. I hate it!!! For a number of reasons I am not going to get into now. OK, back to the subject at hand, so he asks me what do I do. Here was my out: I said well that depends on the day of week and my mood. You see last week I was an interior decorator when the guy at the post office ask me that very same question. I have also been a background singer for Tina Turner, cabinet maker, a cover girl model, music industry talent coordinator, Ocean Drive magazine writer, a local t.v. station television reporter, a law firm associate, a flight attendant, a financial advisor (that was the best), a product placement designer for Saks Fifth Avenue, a sales manager for Donald J. Pliner (shoe designer), but to my friends and family I am a buyer for Federate Department Stores. Now if you really want to know what I do and how great I am at it go to my website and fill out my contact form. Now, if you don't mind I would like to continue watching the game.
I have a very vivid imagination. Take my advice and don't ask such intrusive questions.
Hugs & Kisses,
Sooooo, what is it you do? (hahahaha, sorry, had to do it)
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