Cameron Leigh

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Can You Find Love In This Business???

I had my weekly girls night out with some other women in this profession last night. And to my surprise one of the women announced that she was retiring from the business. I was so happy for her and when I asked her what she would be doing she told us that she was not going to be doing anything. She is going to be living with one of her clients and he has promised to take care of her. Now to my surprise I didn't say a thing. And before the hate mail starts coming my way let me explain.

I was surprised at myself for not saying anything to my friend, because if I were to be honest I was jealous. I have always said that this wasn't a "career" but a means to an end. Well, someone has found that means to an end and who am I to pooh-pooh all over it. Who am I to question her motives, I mean maybe she is really in love with this person who from an outsider looking in has treated her magnificently. He has taken her all over the world, helped her with her education, been a shoulder to cry on, he has been everything that a woman wants in a man.

I have always been under the impression that you shouldn't fall for your clients (I have to come up with another word) because it just leads to more problems. I have met some absolutely wonderful people in my line of work, and I swear that if we had met under different circumstances I would be theirs' in a New York minute. But something has always held me back from taking that next step. One could make the assumption that it is fear....fear of what I don't know. Maybe I am so used to doing things on my own terms that I don't feel the need to compromise. But that isn't true either. I would love to find someone that I would WANT to compromise for. There is this big misconception about me: that I am against love and I hate men. That simply isn't true. I love men and I I get lonely so many times especially when I come home from a trip and I walk into an empty home. So you know what I say kudos to my friend I wish her nothing but the most happiness that life has to offer. She has found something that many of us have only dreamed of. She has found something that has turned into a $200 billion industry because we are all looking for it in one form or another.

Hugs & Kisses,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the other gents. You can always place that rule on yourself. The one that says you do not date clients. But you can not put a restraint on human emotions (least of all your own).

Let me ask you this: During one of your sessions, do you "give a little bit of yourself" to the man? or is everything just a brilliant act. I suspect that sometimes it is 100% act, but other times, you thoroughly enjoy the time you spend with him.

Myself, I've been in a couple of situations where there could have been far more than the business relationship, and it was MY fault for not allowing it to go further (not hers).

The downside to "reaching that goal" of finding the perfect client who'll just take care of you, and allow you to retire from the business...You're then entering the world of the "routine". Routine is the death of great sex, and that often leds us to the profession you are involved with.

Sigh. I wish life could be easier to live.

8:15 AM  

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