Cameron Leigh

Monday, November 27, 2006

Remember When MTV Was Good?

Hello All,

How was every ones' Thanksgiving Holiday? Good I hope. I went home to spend time with my family. And well that was interesting to say the least. I have long believed that if it wasn't for the fact that we all look alike; I believe I was adopted. I will have to share my tales of Thanksgiving with you all another day. I have some football to talk with you. How many of you saw the N.D. vs. USC game? Was it just me or was that a boring game? I don't know what I was expecting but that wasn't it. I had more fun watching FSU loose to UF. Where was the explosive offense of N.D.? I couldn't help but laugh during the game, but is because USC's quarterbacks last name is Booty. Yep, his name is Booty. How precious is that?

Ok, last night I made the worst mistake of my life. I was flipping through the channels and stopped on MTV. They have this show called "My Super Sweet 16." Do I need to explain the premise of this show: Well to do teenagers spend their parents money on a lavish birthday parties, graduation parties, I got my first period parties, any kind of parties. Then on top of all that their parents buy them a car, or a trip, or get a musical group to perform at the party. One girl proudly announces that her parents spent at least $300,000.00 on her party. Did I mention that she got a 745 BMW along with the party? I don't even have a BMW....what is wrong with this picture. Remember when MTV used to play music videos? Remember when they first aired? They had VJs who knew about the music and the groups, they featured up and coming artist. What happened to MTV? I don't want to see Paris Hilton on MTV (I actually don't want to see Paris Hilton anywhere). I don't think they play music videos any more. Every time, I pass the channel they are showing some stupid shit. Maybe it is just me. Maybe I am getting old and I can't appreciate some stupid teenager who thinks they know it all...getting it all. I can honestly say this folks; I want my MTV...back.

Hugs & Kisses,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll take it a bit further. MTV has been acting very irresponsibly in regards to how they program their network. I'm no prude (obviously, or I would not write the blog that I write), but I'm seriously shocked at the sexual content of the channel.

I'm not casting any judgement on bisexuality or sexual experiementation, but watching recent shows on MTV, I get the feeling that a 13-15 year old girl seems virtually OBLIGATED to have not only an experienced sex life, but a sex life full of variety. Not just in number sex partners, but in genders.

Again, I am not casting judgement on lifestyle choices, but I think MTV goes far too deep into the future sex lives of its audience. The idea is to let THEM choose THEIR OWN path in terms of sexuality, not to show them the most "fashionable" path. And yes, I think that there are a great many teenage threesomes happening today as a result of this meddling on MTV's part. I think MTV is shameful now.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the sweet 16 show you mention above. Knowing the power of mass media, I feel sorry for the parents of other wealthy children. I'd be willing to bet that this TV show has started a mini-trend of girls begging their parents to throw them extravagant parties like these. Imagine the millions of dollars spent (unneccessarily) by the girls who DID NOT make it onto the show? Sick.

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tag, you're it. See my blog for details.

3:16 PM  

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