What Makes A Good Companion???
Hello All,
How are we doing? Did everyone have a good weekend? I sure did my Seminoles won this weekend and the Hurricanes lost. So as you can imagine I am as happy as a pig in shit. That is just a little bit of my Southern side coming out.
OK, onto to a subject that I am sure I will get a lot of commentary on. What makes a companion...good? I have been thinking about this a lot lately because I have been asked to help a young lady out with her site. Don't worry not the girl who stole my site. I am more than pleased to do so because she is a very nice woman and I wish her a lot success. But in the interim I have been wondering what makes one girl special and another girl not? Is it the site? Is it the pictures? Is it the performance? Just what exactly is it? I have seen providers who claim that they are "courtesans", "world class", "exclusive". And to be fair I make a claim that I am exclusive. But what sets a good provider apart from the rest? I pride myself on being very respectful to all I meet. I try to answer all emails and return all phone calls in a timely fashion. I am even respectful to other providers who contact me on references; I never understood the point in being rude to someone who just wants to make sure they get back home to their family.
I want to make my encounters memorable. I don't like a "wham bam thank you ma'am session." If that is what you are looking for I suggest you go find a street walker for that. I want to get to know the gentleman who has taken time out of his busy schedule to meet with me. I want to make him feel like he is something special, not just a number. I want him to leave feeling like he didn't just pay for sex. I know that sounds very pollyanna of me but I think that is what sets "providers from companions." I am no run of the mill provider, I am someone that you spend your birthday with, I am someone you have dinner with. Anyone can get laid easily enough, but it is that rare person that you want to see time after time after time.
So my advice for anyone getting into this business is this: Put the money aside for a moment. You are always going to make money, but instead try to establish a way of communicating with your new gentleman friend. Send him the thank you e-card after a visit, drop him an email every now and then and if it his birthday get him present or send him a card. Those are things that will establish you and help you in the long run in this business.
I hope I didn't come across as to preachy and you know how I would love to hear what you all have to think on this subject.
Hugs & Kisses,
Great stuff.
What makes a good companion?
A relaxed time and a relaxed girl. A friendly girl who makes the man feel at ease. Takes legitimate interest in exploring ways to find his fulfilment for the time you spend together. A girl, that if she makes specific promises in order to attract men, delivers on those promises. You don't actually have to promise very much (I suggest you do not).
Just don't make the guy feel the air pressure from the door slamming on his way out. Like you said, you are already making some decent money for this session. If 15 minutes is making you sweat, then make your rates a little higher and just relax again.
Sex is a very relaxing activity. It should be al about relaxation, lowering stress and putting the human touch on things. You don't need to pretend to be a girlfriend. You just need to be human for a while with the guy.
I keep a blog of my own on the subject. Please do come and read.
I think it's mainly about being a class act. There are so many girls who think that they have to show up to their engagements looking like a stripper about to take the stage, or they're flashing pink in all of their photos, etc. These are things that ANYONE can do and appeal only to the lowest common denominator.
A good companion is someone that you want to take to dinner and the theatre, not just to bed. She is well-mannered and well-coiffed. She has an extensive vocabulary. She can turn a man on by stimulating the organ between his ears.
She's the complete package!
Cameron, as you mentioned- It's when they feel like they did not pay for sex. That all wraps into what Glen and Sam stated.
If the mood is relaxed (however it's achieved) then the idea of "paying for it" is no longer relevant and that is a job well done. That is the essence of a good companion.
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