My Apology
If you happen to live up North I am feeling very sorry for you today. It just happens to be a beautiful postcard day here in Florida. The weather is about 78'degrees and the sky is so blue with the white puffy clouds. Just another day in paradise..LOL.
This past weekend I was hanging out with my married friend Charlotte, because I had to tell her what happened to me this past Thursday. Anyway, we were watching some football and I noticed that Charlotte kept commenting on how sexy the players were. This didn't bother me at first because the ones she was commenting on were very cute. But as the game continued she started rated them on a "would I do them scale". It went something like this: Reggie Bush, I would definitely do him; Chad Pennington, I would do him if no else would find out; Jason Taylor,I would do him on the 50 yard line. At first it was very funny I even joined in and gave my picks, but then I thought what a sexist pig you are. Here these poor men are going out weekend after weekend and risking injury just so you can rate them on a "do me scale". I said to,Charlotte, you should be ashamed of yourself. How would you feel if some guy rated you on a scale? She walked over to her fence and asked her neighbor on a scale of one to ten what number would she get on the do me factor. Her neighbor gave her a eight(her hair wasn't done), she looked at me and said "I feel great, I got an eight and my hair wasn't even done."
I have to apologize to all you men out there that I mentally scored in my mind. You are more than: his ass looks really good in those slacks. You are more than: he has such beautiful blue eyes. You are more than: I wonder how good he is at "DATY". At that moment I woke up....Got ya!
Hugs & Kisses,
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