Cameron Leigh

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Cult of Diana

I just finished reading a very interesting book by New York Times columnist, Maureen Dowd titled Are Men Necessary;When The Sexes Are Equal. The book basically challenges the traditional roles of the genders. As more and more women are breaking the "glass ceiling" do men feel threatened????

As the book explored this topic it question all traditional roles of the genders. And it lead to an interesting theory that maybe one day in the far,far,far future men will be obsolete....sort of a "Cult of Diana" where men will be there just for us women as trophies, as status symbols, as entertainment....etc.

I mean think of it. Women who are self sufficient. Women who can reproduce without men. Women who run the world in lieu of men (imagine what that would be like). I mean as society has progressed so has the roles of women. I mean now in some households women make more money than their significant others. They are running fortune 500 companies, racing in NASCAR events, buying homes, starting small businesses. There is really no stopping women....we want it all and we demand it all.

If you get a chance pick up the book and read it. And please let me know what you think about a world without men.

Hugs & Kisses,


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